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Refill System

Refill Options

Refill options

Why Refill?

As we ventured into this project it became evident that the system had to be refillable. We all worry about single use plastics, but you probably never thought of what's inside a hand sanitising dispenser....for most its single use bottles. What the user don't see is the huge amount of waste that is generated through hand sanitising systems.

Secondly it became impossible to buy the propriety cartridges and therefore many systems are not working and manual pump bottles are sitting next to unusable automatic solutions. 

Next we spoke to many owners of the dispensers and found out that especially restaurants often threw out half empty cartridges because it was only half used, but wouldn't last through another round of seatings.

It all just seemed so waste full...

We decided that we wanted to do better and make an option that would elimitate as much waste as possible. Making a difference for the environment and also make it easier for i.e. hotels that have to dispose of many many bottles daily. We have created a system that caters for both those that only have a few dispensers that might need frequent refilling, but also one for those that have hundreds that have to be refilled daily.

Easy Top-Up system (Recommended for Restaurants, Stores and Small Business)The tilting bottle allows for the refill to happen in position. You can choose a 1liter bottle, however we do recommend that you use a 5 liter bottle to save as much plastic as possible.
Dont worry about spilling -the front cover folds down and act as a drip tray. Just clean the lid before closing it.

Bulk Refill

Bulk Refill and Swap system (Recommended for Hotels and Large Businesses)
This system is for areas where refilling is not suitable in position or where many dispensers has to be refilled on a daily basis.
We recommend 2 sets of bottles where one set is filled and swapped for empty ones that then can be refilled for the next swap. The swap is easy and fast.

Refill and Swap